Monday, August 29, 2011

So Behind!

Boy do I need to start being a better blogger! In the meantime, let's play catch up.

*I cancelled lunch with "M." It's just not healthy for someone to be in a relationship that they dread even thinking about, hands down. I used the time to pack up for school.

*I finished the gorgeous turquoise and brown prayer shawl I was knitting. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures before I left and Mom already gave it to her friend :( But it was awesome and my cables flippin' rocked!

*I have moved back to school and am just starting my second week of class. The professor who was supposed to be teaching the course was changed the week before class started, so I got a much easier professor who handed us a study guide with answers that he swears will be the word for word final. I still can't wait for this class to be over.

*Work study at the library is as awesome as ever! I was also asked to apply to be a tutor this year and had my interview today. I was given an appointment to come back and sign papers tomorrow! I guess it's not a guarantee, but the director said she couldn't see any reason why her supervisor would say no to hiring me.

*My roommates are all awesome. This has probably been the best situation I've been in so far.

I'm also holding on to something really exciting that I should be sharing soon!

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