Unfortunately, I don't have much inclination to do this. I really do try to care, but wacking at my hair with a hot tool each morning makes me sweaty and cranky, which is not how I like to start my day. So I typically pull it back somehow, leaving it to it's natural contrary-ness. In the meantime, I dream of beautiful curls that don't involve toxins, millions of curlers, or a curling iron.
Imagine my hope when I stumbled across a few techniques on Pinterest. The first was rag curls, which I had heard of before. Trying to untie the little strips of fabric is about as pleasant as fighting with the curlers. I had to have Nick help me the last time I did it. The second involved wearing a headband around my forehead and wrapping strands of hair around it. This only appealed to me as a last resort. The third, however, had some potential. Meet the sock bun:

So far this was too good to be true. The hair in the picture was gorgeous, hence why it was pinned to Pinterest. I was thinking that if it came out looking half that great, I would be pleased. Especially with my semi-wonky beginner bun. So here's how it turned out:

I sort of like it. It was a little...bigger than I had planned. I felt borderline 80s, but that's probably because I draw as little attention to myself as possible. One can only complain so much, though. I will definitely try it again. This time I will wait for my hair to dry a little more so it doesn't look damp and piece-y when I take it down.
In the meantime, check out the headband I made to keep my ears warm. The pattern is by Lauren Riker and it's called "Bow Head." She states that, according to Urban Dictionary, a bow head is "a woman who wears a bow in her hair, who often has an annoyingly perky personality and may be overly interested in things like her sorority."

Speaking of which, I'm getting letters as my very belated Yule gift from my fiance! He waited too long to order my first choice, so I sent him three links to letters I had designed and told him that I would forgive him for being a procrastinator if he ordered one. I'm so excited to see which one he picked! He will be here either Tuesday or Wednesday and I'm really hoping that they will have arrived.
I'm also really hoping he likes his gift, which I have been waiting to give him so that we can do a gift exchange like we always do. His gift is a purple checked dress shirt from Brooks Brothers. He desperately needs professional clothes for after he graduates, so I have been scouring eBay and Etsy to find him some good ones. To supplement those rare finds, I took him to Goodwill a few weeks back and he pulled a shirt off of the rack that looked very similar to the one I got him. I had to talk him out of it and he was convinced that it was because I hated it. I was trying to convince him that I liked the shirt, but he just couldn't buy it without giving away why he couldn't buy it. I'm still pretty sure he thought I hated it, so I can't wait to see the look on his face when he opens this one.
I hope you all have a great week!
Link for Sock Bun: http://aspottedpony.com/for-moms/how-to-use-a-sock-to-get-beautiful-curly-hair-without-heat/1517/
Link for Bow Head Pattern on Ravelry: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/bow-head-bow-headband
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