So, my last post stated that my next craft would most likely be another charm patch. To make up for that, I decided to knit two patches, then I didn't even get them posted. I know, I'm so bad. In my defense, my phone completely died and all of my craft pictures were on the phone. I got it to work again, though, so here it goes. These are the two patches I knit the week before. The tan one is for the one trip I've made to the beach. Sad, right? I love the beach, so it's a great memory. This is the only picture I have right now, however, because I can't get the charm on the jump ring. I have no fingernails, so it will have to wait until I can enlist someone's help.

The reddish patch is in memory of my grandfather who died a little over four years ago. The red reminds me of the work shirts I remember him always wearing when I was little. I'm pretty sure he held on to them until they got so bad that my grandmother threw them out. It looks almost brown here, but I promise it is a dark red.

The charm actually belonged to my grandfather. He drove delivery trucks, recycling/garbage trucks, and eighteen wheelers. This charm is for Eastern Express, which is out of business now, if I'm not mistaken. My grandmother gave it to me to remember him by, since it is probably the girliest thing he owned.

These are the craft for this past week. Ok, it's not exactly crafty, but it's the most impressive. The other option was my first experiment with the clear stamps that you attach to acrylic blocks. It turned out great, but it was a mini tree embellishing a thank you note. I felt like this took more time and creativity and here's why. These are mini cheesecakes. Why mini cheesecakes? Because my family just moved and I'm trying to use up random old stuff so that we don't have to try to find a place for it in the cabinets. It's also because we just moved and I couldn't find a nine inch pie pan. That would be the creativity part. The time part involves a long search for the electric mixer, finding it, then realizing that I can't run it because my dad sleeps days and had already gone to bed. I mixed by hand "on medium" for three straight minutes and it turned out freaking awesome, so take that. But in all honesty, that was the hardest part about the whole thing. After I measured out all of the mini cakes and smoothed them down, all I had to do was set them in the fridge to chill for an hour.

Here's the final product. I'm sure that they could be eaten without a bowl provided that they had a little less topping, but we have fruit we are trying to get rid of, so why not dump as much as possible on, right?

As far as crafts for this week, I'm going to try to finish some of my grandmother's incomplete cross stitches. I also fixed the mistake I made on the shawl, so it's going great. I even went out and bought a set of size 10 1/2 double pointed needles, which has made cabling so much easier! I also want to print off all of the pictures cluttering up my hard drive and get back to scrapbooking, especially since I have cute, new stamps to try out! We will see how much of this actually gets done, because I also have to pick back up studying for the GRE. Oh, the life of a college student.
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